I haven’t done one of these in a while!
As you might have noticed, I’ve added a new feature to my blogging schedule: Bookish Stuff. I share reviews, new releases and news about my writing on Mondays.
- Fallen Princeborn: Stolen by @jeanleesworld #bookreview
- Book Club Questions: Magic at Midnight #newrelease #books
- New Book Release: ThunderTree #coverreveal #bookblast #bookreview
- Magic at Midnight: Live #booklaunch @heavensgtvenue
- Mapwalkers by @JFPennWriter #bookreview
- Diversity in Fiction: Live #booklaunch @heavensgtvenue
- Your First 1000 Copies by @timgrahl #bookreview
- The Princess Project: Live #booklaunch @heavensgtvenue
- 30-Day Book Marketing Challenge by @BadRedheadMedia AKA @RachelintheOC #bookreview

I’ve also been doing a lot of guest posts to promote my books on other blogs.
- RiffTrax: Live – Star Raiders Review! Ronel Talks Music, Smallfoot and Wandering Earth Reviews, and Ninja News
- Dark Desires: A #YA #Fantasy Novel by Ronel Janse van Vuuren
- Guest Post from YA Fantasy Author Ronel Janse van Vuuren
- #NewRelease Dark Desire #ebook #Fantasy #Interview @miladyronel
- Dark Desires: A Character Interview
- DARK DESIRES: High School, Magic, and Curses
- Dark Desires: Radioactive – the Effects of Pollution on the Fae
- Guest Post: In Which there are Dark Desires
- YA Spotlight and Guest post: Ronel Janse van Vuuren
- Beta Reader Awesomeness by Guest Blogger Ronel Janse van Vuuren
- Ronel has a new book: Dark Desires
- Magic At Midnight
- Great Fantasy Books from Indie Authors
- Magical Pegasi
- Guest Author Ronel Janse van Vuuren on Love Triangles
- Dragonspire Book Corner: Magic at Midnight! #YAFantasy #BookReview
- Interview – The Wonderful Ronel Janse van Vuuren
- Ronel Janse van Vuuren How you Remind me
- Guest Post today! Author Ronel Janse van Vuuren: Power of Novellas
- Guest Post: Ronel Janse van Vuuren UNDERESTIMATING PRINCESSES
My Twitter schedule has changed, too. Sometimes I would tweet every fifteen minutes or every half an hour, sharing everything interesting I come across online. I’ve decided to cut back. Though it might be fun, it isn’t very productive and my interaction with others hadn’t really changed based on my tweeting frequency. So, I’ve decided to schedule all of my tweets for the week in advance and only tweet every hour. I still share interesting articles, write tips, folklore fun and an ad for one of my books every day. But I don’t tweet every article I read and comment on. I’ll probably reassess this tactic, too. Especially since I haven’t done so in the last two weeks…

I took a look at my editorial calendar for my blog and realised that there are a couple of posts I want to get up this year but don’t fit in with my regular schedule. So I’m scheduling them for September when I’m usually offline. I’ll answer comments on them in October. You’ll remember that I did something similar in March.

I had to cut back on publishing a new book a month. There are several reasons, burn-out being one of them, but I also realised that though sales were good, they could be better if I didn’t publish in obscurity. Which is why I decided to do the book blog tours. They do take a lot of time to get ready, though. Winter has been an issue: I think I might be a bear that needs to hibernate 😉
There has been life stuff, too. Like my car getting stolen in July. Let’s just say that I totally get vigilante justice, even if I won’t act on it. Thankfully no-one got hurt during the theft. There were feelings, stuff I needed to work through, thoughts that distracted from work. I’m not going to get into the inadequate justice system of my country, insurance loopholes or how the victim is always to blame… *Breathe. Just Breathe.*
I have written a couple of short stories for anthologies, news that I’ll share on Bookish Stuff Mondays. I also concentrated on getting my books translated into Afrikaans (I do that myself, of course).

What happens when gods wane, retire, or just decide they need a change of employment?
13 writers took up the challenge and let their imaginations run wild in this anthology that is nearly-always amusing, somewhat insightful, and completely irreverent as we imagine the gods of yore in retirement:

The Grumpy Old Gods are back in this second installment of mythical fun. Join us for 13 new tales of deities that are retired, reborn, waning, or AWOL from their assigned posts as they hilariously navigate life, death, and everything in between.
If you want an ARC (advance reader copy) of either Grumpy Old Gods anthologies, fill in the form below. Whether you add your review to Amazon (yay!) or Goodreads (just as awesome), we would greatly appreciate it if you could do so before the end of September. A new anthology will be published in October!
My five-star novella “Magic at Midnight” is now available in Afrikaans as “Toorkrag teen Middernag”.

Amy ken net een leefwyse. Nou moet sy alles op die spel sit om dit wat kosbaar vir haar is te red. Kan hierdie eenvoudige plaasmeisie lewe in die kasteel oorleef? Kan sy ‘n oorlog wat dreig om haar wêreld af te brand keer? En wat van die geheimsinnige prinses van die Haselneut Woud en haar skelm kyke…? Nie gepraat van die prins van die Akasia Woud wat dalk betrokke is by die profesieë wat hul koninkryke beheer nie. Met geheime en raaisels wat die lewe wat sy so graag na wil terugkeer bedreig, kan sy haar gevoelens van die missie skei?
Hoe vêr sal sy gaan om haar geliefdes te beskerm?
My newsletter went out earlier this week, and they got the inside scoop on a couple of new projects 😉
Also, it’s the time of year when my allergies act up (watery eyes, for example from all the flowers in bloom), so I’m binge watching “Fringe” when I can’t write. I’m really enjoying this speculative fiction series. Though, I really need to write…
So, I’ll see you all in October!

Have you watched “Fringe”? I like Walter – who have you bonded with in this series? Are you going to get your free copy of either Grumpy Old Gods anthologies? What are your thoughts on Twitter?
Sign up for my newsletter and receive a free ebook. I won’t share your information and I’ll only email you once a month with updates on new releases, special offers, and a bit of news.
WOW! You are seriously busy. I try to blog three times a week and mostly fail – spectacularly. I can’t imagine doing that many guest blogs in a month. For my latest book, the blog tour has zero guest blogs. Hopefully, there’s still some interaction with readers.
I know, I’m a machine 😉 But I think I’ll scale down a bit on the guest posts for the rest of the year and just focus on writing — it’s seriously exhausting writing so many guest posts revolving around my book and targeted to the readership of the blog it will be posted on. Besides, if readers are interested in your book, they’ll find it. Eventually 😉
That’s crappy your car was stolen!
I tend to hibernate more in the summer. I hate the heat.
You have a busy schedule…
Thanks, Alex 🙂 Yeah, in the middle of summer, I usually take an entire month off just to relax. I failed spectacularly at that last year, but hopefully I’ll manage to take a proper vacation this December.