Click on the “Learn more” button to learn more about what the book is about, where you can find it and in which languages it is available in. Below, you can download your printable booklists to keep track of your reading.
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Irascible Immortals Series
They’ve been alive forever. They’ve been bored for some time. And now they’re showing it.
30 minute fantasy short reads.

Faery Tales Series
The Realms are colliding. The Fae are at war. Will the Earth survive?
One hour teen, young adult and new adult fantasy short reads.

Dark Court Sisters Series
Three sisters. Three destinies. Three ways to destroy the world.
One hour teen, young adult and new adult fantasy short reads.


Origin of the Fae Series
You’ve met them on the Faeries and Folklore podcast, now see them in action.
Short story collections featuring the fae and the folklore about them.

Non-Fiction @ Ronel the Mythmaker Series
Everything you need to be at your creative best.


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