A to Z Challenge

Something Different #AtoZChallenge

D is for Depeche Mode

As I mentioned in my theme-reveal post, this month will be all about music and how it inspires my writing.

There are others I could have looked at for today, but I decided on Depeche Mode. I first took notice of them when “Precious” played in a “Smallville” episode (back when Clark was still obsessed with Lana). Since then, I’ve added them to my writing playlist. Have you heard how they use various sounds to create an effect? Amazing. When I need to put my head in a different frame of mind, or think outside the box, I listen to them. The lyrics, the composition, and the remixes they have of their own songs are great to get you thinking.

Favourite album: “Playing the Angel”. Favourite song: “Precious”.

Word of the day: decibel.

According to Collins English dictionary: decibel n unit for measuring the intensity of sound


Do you like Depeche Mode? Do you have a favourite music group/artist that starts with an “D”?

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**Note: Your comment was successful even though it looks like it’s been swallowed by a gremlin. Technical stuff I still have to figure out means that I have to manually approve your comment. Know that it will happen every twelve hours and that I will answer your thoughtful response to my post. Thanks for stopping by!

***P.S. I’ll be offline for a couple of days, but my posts will go up as scheduled. I will get around to visiting you, promise.

14 thoughts on “Something Different #AtoZChallenge”

  1. I have a great soft spot for Depeche Mode – that fact that they were on The Wide Awake Club – a UK TV show for kids with Master and Servant, because no one twigged what it was about still makes me smile.
    Duran Duran were my D 80s band of choice however and my husband’s is Def Leppard 🙂 Dream Theatre are a great modern band – fabulous music.
    Tasha’s Thinkings – Ghost Stories

  2. Ronel,

    I’m not sure how I discovered Depeche Mode but I’m sure it was someone on the 4M dance floor. I’m not sure if I like them or not because as you pointed out they are different and not my normal mewsic to listen to. Thanks for the song share and for visiting my A2Z Little Mermaid art sketch series featuring Dudley and in case you didn’t see I added a second post updating Dudley in living color. 😉 Happy a2zing, dearie!

    1. I really have to be in the right mood to appreciate them. “Enjoy the Silence” was performed by Anberlin in Vampire Diaries season 1, and that is much easier to add to my playlists without being jarred by the sudden change in music 🙂

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