A to Z Challenge

Gather All the Tools You Need with the #AuthorToolboxBlogHop

A is for “Author”.

To kick off this year’s A-Z Challenge, I invited writing friend Raimey Gallant over for an interview about the Author Toolbox Blog Hop that she founded. I told you in my theme reveal post that I’m going to blog about everything writerly – and this is a great place to start, whether you’re a new or an experienced writer.

  1. What is the Author Toolbox Blog Hop? It’s a monthly hop on the topic of resources and learning for authors, posts related to the craft of writing, editing,querying, marketing, publishing, blogging tips for authors, reviews of author-related products, anything that an author would find helpful.
  2. What are the rules of the blog hop? We hop the third Wednesday of every month (full participation rules here),everyone has to return comments as much as possible, and discriminatory or xenophobic blogs will be removed from the hop, though we haven’t had a problem with this yet.
  3. How did the blog hop come to be? Ronel, I searched high and low for a blog hop like this one, and when I couldn’t, I up and started one myself gosh darned it.
  4. What is the most valuable lesson you’ve learned from this blog hop? From an event organizer’s perspective, I eased up on the participation schedule for 2018, sot hat there’s more opportunity for life to get in the way. As an author, the lesson is that there is still so much for me to learn, and thank goodness we have so many amazing participants willing to share the tidbits they’ve picked up along the way.
  5. What kindof content would you like to see more in the blog hop? I’d love to see more genre-specific content and #ownvoices perspectives. Somebody tell me the secrets of erotica, and pretty please, what are the qualities of a southern gothic novel? I’d love it if someone with more expertise than me could get into complex topics like intersectional feminism, the importance of sensitivity readers, and social media bullying as it relates to the online author community.
  6. Can anyone participate in the blog hop? Absolutely. All authors at all stages of their careers are welcome.
  7. Anything you’d like people to know about the blog hop? You can find out more here.
  8. In a word, how would you describe the Author Toolbox Blog Hop?Communitybuildingandlearningtoolforauthorswhowanttolearnmoreaboutbeingauthors


Raimey Gallant is an activisty, feministy, world-traveling,wannabe comedian who writes thrillers and mysteries when she isn’t running around organic farmers’ fields under the pseudonym of Radish Runner. There’s more, but she’s sworn to secrecy at the moment. Follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

I hope you found this interview informative and entertaining. Do you have any questions for Raimey?

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