Celebrating the success of Once… Tales, Myths and Legends of Faerie, I’m sharing a couple of book club questions.
Original book trailer:
Audiobook book trailer:
Book club questions Once… Tales, Myths and Legends of Faerie
- If you were a dragon, would you hoard books? Why/why not?
- What do you think of Beira?
- What do you think of Jamie and the Galno?
- What do you think about the Dark King’s plot to change everything?
- What do you think about Mae’s reaction to the loss of her beloved?
- Do you think that season fae come to the mortal realm?
- What do you think about the reason behind the Tithe fae have to pay?
- What are your thoughts about the faery cat and his relationship with the Seer?
- Do you think Vivian changed much between her time on the Island of Endless Summer and when she became an aunt and mother bound to the mortal realm? Do you think she treated Carina unfairly?
- What are your thoughts on the various fae of Bremen?
- Do you think that Rapunzel is really a werehyena or is it a manifestation of a mental illness?
- What do you think the title “The Ashiest Princess” says about Carina and her story?
- Do you think that Dagda showed all of his world to his new bride? Why/why not?
- Would you live in the Echo Labyrinth?
- What are your thoughts about the balls Liesl and her sisters attend?
- Do you think Nathaniel got his just deserts?
- Did you see the twist coming in “The Ashiest Princess”?
- Did you know from the title that there was a dragon involved in “Purple Sparks”?
- Did any aspects of the plots and characters bring realisations about your own life? What was your aha! moment?
- Which character would you most like to be? Why?
- Are any secret messages being conveyed in the text? How do you know?
- In what ways do the themes in the story contradict each other?
- What traits make certain characters memorable?
- In what way does the setting play an important role?
- Would a change of setting significantly impact the story? How?
- Is the setting used symbolically in any way?
- What potential symbols stood out in the story? What do they mean to you?
- What is the major theme in the story?
- Are any other themes present in the story?
- Is the theme directly stated or implied via story elements?
- Do you feel the theme is preachy or heavy-handed in any way?
- Does the theme confirm or challenge your values?
- Is this story worth reading more than once? Would the language reveal more with each additional reading?
- What does the title reveal about the story to follow?
- Have you read other pieces by this author?
- What do you think the cover image reveals about the story?
- How do binary opposites function to each other in terms of nature vs culture, speech vs writing, original vs copy, appearance vs essence, presence vs absence, life vs death, human vs animal?
- Did you have a better understanding of Faerie after reading this collection?
- If you have read anything else by this author, do you think that this collection foreshadows what is to come? Why/why not?
- What are your thoughts about the relationship between the Faery Queen and the Dark King?
About the book

Faerie has secrets…
Love or family?
Jamie MacKinnion makes the hardest decision of his very long life, and all of Faerie feels the wrath and heartache of the Faery Queen.
Can Faerie and its denizens survive an all-powerful ruler’s pain manifest in natural disasters?
Even if they can, the Dark King has schemes of his own and Solitary Fae cannot be trusted to live in peace.
As Faerie fractures and the lives of mortals and fae intertwine even more, the lines between what’s right and what’s easy becomes blurry for even the best of them.
And nothing is what it seems.
Damsels in distress, curses, echoes of faery tales and tragic love affairs swirl together in sixteen stories found in a dragon’s lair by a curious half-fae.
Discover their secrets and enter the realm of the fae.
Scroll up to buy now!
Available as an ebook everywhere.
Available in Afrikaans as Eens… Verhale, Mites en Legendes van Feërie. Get your book club questions in Afrikaans here.

Listen to this short (Afrikaans) snippet from “Eens… Verhale, Mites en Legendes van Feërie” that was part of the prize for being author of the year 2018 on INK: Skryf in Afrikaans.
Blog Posts about Once… Tales, Myths and Legends of Faerie
- Review and Spotlight Red Headed Book Lover
- Interview Tasha’s Thinkings
- Interview Nicholas Adams Writes
- The Folklore of Once…
- Interview Renee’s Author Spotlight
- Interview Don Massenzio
- Interview Operation Awesome Debut Author Spotlight
- Interview Cynical Sailor
- Interview Debs Despatches
- Interview Roland Yeomans
- Interview Diane Burton
- Interview The Ninja Librarian
Buy Links for Once… Tales, Myths and Legends of Faerie
- Get the English ebook from your favourite online retailer here.
- Get the Afrikaans ebook from your favourite online retailer here.
- Get the English paperback from Amazon.
- Get the Afrikaans paperback from Amazon.
- Get the English audiobook from your favourite online retailer here.
- Get the Afrikaans audiobook from your favourite online retailer here.
South African residents…
…get your Afrikaans audiobook from Audioshelf here and your English audiobook from Audioshelf here.
And contact me directly for your English/Afrikaans paperback copy of Once…Tales. Myths and Legends of Faerie.
What do you think about the questions? Did it make you want to read the book? How do you feel about book clubs? Check out my Pinterest board about this book.
Amazing trailer, Ronel. I’m impressed. And it fits nicely my fond memories of the book.
Thanks, Jacqui 🙂 I’m so glad that you have fond memories of the book!