N is for Nickelback and Nightwish
As I mentioned in my theme-reveal post, this month will be all about music and how it inspires my writing.
Today I’m taking no prisoners. We have hard rock and metal. But before you run away, their music is something beautiful and their lyrics carry much meaning.
Nickelback goes waaay back for me. The first song I heard from them was “How You Remind Me”. But what drew me in was “Photograph”. Just like Linkin Park, they are on all of my writing playlists, have a playlist of their own, and fade into the background enough that I can just write.
Favourite album: “Feed the Machine” Favourite song: “Song on Fire”
I was introduced to Nightwish by a friend with whom I share similar musical tastes. I love “Moondance”, “Elvenpath”, “Last of the Wilds” , “Nightquest” and many others. They are on my drafting playlists.
Favourite album: “Highest Hopes” Favourite song: “Nemo”
Word of the day: nocturne
According to Collins English dictionary: nocturne n a short, lyrical piece of music, esp. one for the piano
Just listen to Nightwish’s rendition of “The Phantom of the Opera” and you’ll understand why I like them.

Do you like Nickelback or Nightwish? Do you have a favourite music group/artist that starts with an “N”?
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Have no heard of either of these which shouldn’t surprise anyone who hangs around me. I enjoy hard rock but don’t seek it out.
LOL. I just couldn’t help myself with today’s choices 🙂
Ann V Friend visiting from the A to Z Challenge. Blessings ✨
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
I was first drawn to Nickelback by Photograph and How you Remind Me as well. I’ve just never been able to appreciate Nightwish the way they should be.
Jingle Jangle Jungle
Literary Gold
Nightwish isn’t for everyone, Nickelback is much easier to listen to 🙂
Photograph is a great Nickleback song.
Nightwish– hey, I mentioned that in another comment earlier! 🙂
It’s like you saw my schedule for the A-Z when you left the other comment that I should use Nightwish 🙂
Loved Nickelback, such a beautiful throaty voice. Thanks Ronel.
I’m glad you enjoyed it 🙂
I’m still working through the M’s from your last post. These two are new for me too. Looking forward to them. I am finding I like 90% of the ones you post so it’s been pretty awesome to find new bands/musicians I like.
Thanks for visiting my A2Z Little Mermaid art sketch ‘NEPTUNE’. I discovered Nightwish a few years ago and even did a feature of their mewsic on my site a time or two. Their sound is generally heavier than my normal listening pleasure but I really like their sound. I don’t believe I have a favorite ‘N’ band. I guess I could stretch this a bit by saying I really liked Ricky Nelson. His voice was so smooth. His twin boys, Gunnar & Matthew, had a band in the 90s. They went by Nelson. I discovered them while doing a piece on Ricky and their stuff was a wee bit familiar to my ear. I bet you’re familiar with them, though. 🙂