To help promote author friend J’s new book, here’s a recipe from Proof of Existence. The main characters of the Existence series are omnipotent beings living in our world. (As the cover image suggests, several of them live in New York City. The Brooklyn Bridge is a part of two scenes in Proof of Existence.) …
Tag: guest post
How to Survive Load Shedding #BookReview and Author Guest Post #NewRelease #loadshedding
Regular readers might know that we have a serious energy crisis in South Africa that is affecting everything from internet access to personal hygiene (no water, and the sewage is leaking onto the beaches…) during load shedding. I found this wonderful little book last week and found the advice insightful. So I asked fellow South …
Why Huehuecóyotl? #GuestPost by @CatGerlach #folklore
As part of my celebration of the release for the Grumpy Old Trickster Gods anthology, I have Katharina Gerlach over for a guest post about the folklore found in her story in the anthology. A few points up front: this is not a scientific research paper. Also, some of the religious concepts were simplified (some …
Guest Post: Grizzly by @Sandra_Cox #NewBookRelease #books
I have author friend Sandra Cox over today to talk about the worldbuilding of her newest novel. First of all, thanks for hosting me, Ronel. Much appreciated. Hi Folks. Ronel kindly offered to help me get the word out on my new release and asked me to post about its world building. Mateo’s Blood Brother …
Alien Civilizations and Creating Societies via @AlexJCavanaugh #GuestPost #ScienceFiction #writetip
I have Alex J Cavanaugh over today to talk about his newest release “CassaDark” and the society found in it. Science fiction stories set outside of our world tend to showcase a variety of races. (Think any of the Star Wars films.) Different cultures, physiques, languages, beliefs—a lot of world building goes into bringing those …
Guest Post: Will you survive the zombie apocalypse? @pjlauthor #newrelease #zombieapocalypsebook
Last week I shared with you my review of The Cure by Patricia Josephine. This week, the fun continues with the launch of her book with a guest post. You wake up and find the zombie apocalypse has started. What do you do? A: Take stock of anything you can use as a weapon, secure …
Mission of Love as a Shelter Volunteer #guestpost #animalrescue #books
I saw Sharon sharing this book on Instagram and immediately knew I needed to host her here on the blog. Take it away, Sharon! As I sit down to write this post, it’s a sunny May morning. We have a humane trap set in the yard to try to capture one of the feral cats …
Podcasting – Why – What – How #authorpreneur #podcasting
I invited over blogging friend Tasha to share some more interesting things to add to your author toolbox. Why – To Podcast or Not to Podcast We’re writers, we deal in words on a page, so why should we be interested in podcasting? For me the answer was simple: it’s another marketing stream and a …
The Odyssey of a YA Fantasy Author @ElleCardy #yalit #guestpost
Today I have a special guest for you. Thanks for having me today, Ronel. A long time ago… There was a girl who wrote stories. She had big dreams and little understanding of what it takes to get published. She wrote and wrote and wrote…and gave up because none of the hooks she cast got …
New Book Release: You Beneath Your Skin @damyantig @SimonSchusterIN #YouBeneathYourSkin #books
I’m so happy to be part of e-friend Damyanti’s book tour for her debut “You Beneath Your Skin”. Read all about the book and a guest post by Damyanti. See it on Goodreads and buy it on Amazon. Damyanti On Writing Crime Fiction It is not easy for me to speak about my journey into …