Insecure Writer's Support Group

Obstacles to Overcome and My Podcast is Live! #IWSG

It’s the first Wednesday of the month and time for another posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group.

Learn more here.

I’m going to start by answering this month’s question.

IWSG July question: What would make you quit writing?

When I saw this month’s question it stopped me in my tracks. In my life, now, I’m making time to write and do all the marketing stuff. It is my life. Something has to go really, really wrong for me to ever stop.

Even if the world changed so drastically that the way I publish was no longer an option, I wouldn’t stop writing. We have serious electricity issues in my country right now, meaning that for three hours at a time, two to three times in a twenty-four-hour period we don’t have power. I still get my writing done (on paper) and type it all up when the power is back on. Obstacles are there to be overcome — or to give you an easy out.

obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal henry ford

The Faeries and Folklore Podcast by Ronel is now a thing!

I was playing around with the idea of having a podcast. I even had a guest post earlier in the year by another indie author who had started one — with great success. Read the guest post here.

It took a while to decide exactly how I was going to do it. I had learned from blogging, that having your own domain and all the best stuff (like your own website) is a solid investment in my author career. So I needed to know everything. After a lot of research and webinars (started with the guest post I featured on my blog), I knew where I wanted to host it, what I wanted to talk about, how I was going to do it, and all the other finicky stuff. I enjoyed this post by Joanna Penn regarding podcasting.

faeries and folklore podcast by Ronel logo

I just love the podcast logo I created! I had taken a look (and listen) at other podcasts in my niche and decided to do something a little different.

Here’s the trailer:

I’m doing something called microcasting — it is a podcast that is about five minutes long (or even shorter!). I’ve learned that there is no set length for podcasts and that it is all about having solid information to share, so if you have a solid ten minutes, and your podcast is half an hour, you are stretching it and adding waffle.

Basically, I’m using stuff from my folklore posts here on the blog and presenting them in audio. You can check out my podcast website here.

Yeah, I’m doing the podcast in shades of blue (you’ll recognise some features from my official website there, too).

I had to learn a boat load of new stuff, work through illness and the aforementioned power outages, play a lot of email tag to get things set up (let’s just say that living in South Africa does have some drawbacks: setting things up in other countries isn’t easy and work-arounds need to be created). I could have said “enough!” or “it’s too hard!” and let the obstacles win, but I’m stubborn.

the greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it moliere

So that’s what I’ve been up to since middle of May. Would you ever quit writing? What are your thoughts about podcasts? Do you listen to podcasts?

I’ve already read the graphic novel! Check out my review on Goodreads.

Want a taste of my writing? Sign up to my newsletter and get your free copy of Unseen, Faery Tales #2.

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12 thoughts on “Obstacles to Overcome and My Podcast is Live! #IWSG”

  1. Congrats on your first podcast and figuring out how to do it. It’s good that you figured out how long they should be so they don’t feel dragged out. Hope you continue enjoying doing them.

  2. I’ve actually thought of that scenario this year. Like the show Revolution. What would happen if there was no electricity in the world? Yeah, I’d keep writing. Pen and paper. How I used to before I had a computer.

    Congratulations on your podcast!

  3. Sounds like an interesting venture. It’s good to explore new creative outlets. And you’re right, creative people work around obstacles rather than using them as an excuse to stop.

  4. The podcast is very cool! New technology is always oh so shiny!

    And yes, creative people always find a way around the obstacles rather than being stopped by them. I manage fine with pen and paper anytime I don’t have my electronic devices handy.

  5. Enjoyed hearing your voice. You are easy on the ears loved listening. I love the remake and the promo images you are putting out. Great job. Grabbed your newest release.

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Great quotes.
    I love what you’re doing with your podcast. I’ve tried to get into them but always seem to lose steam after two or three episodes. Still, you are quite an inspiration.

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