M is for Might

I’m doing folklore and book review posts to reach and please a larger audience. Previous years have shown select interest in both and to minimise blogging throughout the year, I’m focusing my efforts on April.
Focusing on an A to Z of my TBR (to be read) list, each letter will have books starting with that letter on my list, a book I’ve read and reviewed (with the review!) and one of my books matching the letter with a link about more info about the book.
I chose the books this year quite randomly from my Goodreads Want to Read page. Some are quite creatively added to letters.
If you’d rather check out my folklore post for today, go here.

You can read reviews for from previous years for this letter here and here, and my year-end reviews here, here, here and, most recently, here.

About the Book
Girls of Might and Magic by various
Find your might. Discover your magic.
A disabled teen tracks down an elusive sea beast. A young, Indian detective finds a magical artifact. A Black teen who can see the dead solves a murder mystery. An Ethiopian girl discovers magical secrets when she is kidnapped by her teacher. A teen survivor of a deadly plague realizes she and her robot companion are not alone.
Across realms, worlds, and dimensions we bring you sixteen fantasy and/or science fiction tales that explore the tribulations of growing up. Full of diverse characters and #ownvoices authors, the protagonists in these coming-of-age YA adventures will not only discover powerful magic but discover themselves along the way. Don’t miss this magical collection of stories about witches, fae, ghosts, vampires, werewolves, jinn, and more!
The collection includes:
Heartburn by E. M. Lacey
Wind and Silk by Alice Ivinya
Faith by Sudha Kuruganti
Grace and Ghosts by K. R. S. McEntire
The Outside by C. C. Solomon
Daughter of Soil and Gold by Meghan Rhine
Check Yourself by Kat Zaccard
A Meeting in the Woods by Nicole Givens Kurtz
Pretty Young Things by LaLa Leo
Funnel Cake by Amanda Ross
Outcast by D. L. Howard
Serenity Dawn by C. I. Raiyne
The Cursed Gift by Courtney Dean
Chasing Waves by Kendra Merritt
Sight by Tonya Brown
Memories of Magic by Ashley Ford
About Diverse Books With Magic: We are an online community of speculative fiction fans. We aim to highlight #ownvoices authors and stories with diverse characters. Join us on Facebook at “Diverse Books With Magic: Science Fiction. Fantasy. Dystopian.”
Check it out on Goodreads.
My Review
This anthology was recommended to me on Instagram and I immediately got my copy. Stories are individually reviewed.
Such a fun story! Wish my heartburn hid a secret like that. LOL.
Wind and Silk
So much going on in this story that one wants to read more about the heroine and her dragon.
Grace and Ghosts
A girl who can see ghosts, a boy whose twin was murdered, and human trafficking… It has a HEA, but it’s not really my kind of story.
I liked the twist on the box they had to find. And I liked the character growth and worldbuilding. Would like to read more about this heroine.
The Outside
An interesting story. Though the heroine wasn’t too likeable for most of the story. I liked the take on a plague.
Chasing Waves
I like the seahorse and the interaction between it and the heroine. Not sure if I like the idea of the seahorses being studied… Scientists do horrible things in search of knowledge.
Funnel Cake
Set in a time of bellbottoms and “groovy”, this werewolf tale packs a punch.
Meeting in the Woods
Something felt off about this story. DNF 50%
A good story, though I do wonder how such bullying can be allowed to go unchecked. And why can’t the heroine access her magic? I would like to read more…
Daughter of Soil and Gold
Loads of description, not a lot of story. DNF 8%
Pretty Young Things
A philosophical rambling that went over my head. DNF 2%
The story drew me in – and then the huge block of italics with her vision along with the abrupt ending spoiled the whole thing.
Serenity Dawn
The story doesn’t make sense: a girl waiting for an Uber walks home, passes out, walks through a portal into a dreamworld where she learns she’d created it and all the magic there – but can’t remember it. DNF 15%
The Cursed Gift
Not really much happening… The loads of italics did nothing to aid the story – just irritate me.
Memories of Magic
Too much alcohol and missing words without something to pull me into the story. DNF 5%
Check Yourself
A fun vampire story centred around chess and friendship. I do wonder why the heroine couldn’t be glamoured…
For the anthology as a whole: I had a problem with the italics as it messes with my eyes and head, making it difficult to read and enjoy the book. Authors and publishers: please consider the neurodivergent when making decisions about italics so books are accessible to all.
Otherwise and interesting collection of short stories.

My Book
Magic at Midnight

Remember that you can request all of my books from your local library!
I hope you enjoyed this. For more books I’ve read and reviewed, check out either my Pinterest board about reviews or my Goodreads profile. Alternatively, you can check out my reviews on BookBub. Have you read any of the books? Loved or hated any of them?
You can now support my time in producing book review posts (buying books, reading, writing reviews and everything else involved) by buying me a coffee. This can be a once-off thing, or you can buy me coffee again in the future at your discretion.
*FYI, my reviews are my honest opinion and if something bothers me, I tell it straight. How else will anything change? My opinions are based on being a voracious reader and book buyer, not an attack on the author.*
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I loved seeing your Goodreads list. I just finished The Midnight Library for my book club. It’s really good.
Thanks for the recommendation!